Vladimír Spidla

Vladimír Spidla

Comisario Europeo de Empleo, Asuntos Sociales e Igualdad de Oportunidades
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         Vladimír Spidla (born 21 April 1951 in Prague) is a Czech social democratic politician. He was the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic in July 2002 - June 2004 and then was appointed Czech commissioner in the European Commission where he will serve at the post of employment, social affairs and equal opportunities.


Spidla studied history at Charles University of Prague. His thesis was Zalo?ení ?ivnostenské banky (Establishment of the Trading Bank). After his graduation in 1976, he took up a number of jobs including menial as he refused to fulfil political obligations necessary for better-qualified ones; he also worked as an archaeologist. He is married for the second time; he has two sons from his first marriage and another two children acquired by marriage. His hobbies include cross-country and marathon running. He speaks German and French, but his English is weaker; this was used to doubt his qualification for the EC.