Ximo Puig

Ximo Puig


Madrid, Hotel Westin Palace (Plaza de las Cortes, 7) 9:00 horas
27-01-2020 08:00

Desayuno informativo del Fórum Europa, organizado por Nueva Economía Fórum, bajo el mecenazgo de Asisa y Cabify. Plazas Limitadas

Ximo Puig

Presidente de la Generalitat Valenciana
Mostrar Biografía

Nascut el 04-01-1959 a Morella (Castelló).
Periodista. En l'àmbit periodístic he treballat en el periódic Mediterráneo de Castelló, en l'Agència EFE, en Radio Popular i en Antena 3 Radio.
He pertangut a les I, V, VI i VII legislatures.
Diputat per Castelló en les Corts en 1983. Així mateix vaig ser diputat de cultura de la Diputació de Castelló.
Des de 1986 fins a 1995 vaig treballar en la Presidència de la Generalitat, primer com a director general de Relacions Institucionals i Informatives i després, fins a juliol de 1995, com a director del Gabinet del President.
Des de 1995 fins a 2012 he estat alcalde de Morella. Vaig ser diputat autonòmic des de 1999 fins a 2011 i succesivament portaveu del grup socialista, vicepresident de les Corts i portaveu adjunt.
En 2011 vaig ser elegit membre del Congrés dels Diputats en la X legislatura per la circunscripció de Castelló i nomenat portaveu de la Comissió d'Indústria, Energia i Turisme i vocal de la Comissió de Pressupostos, de la de Foment i de la de Cultura.
En 2014 vaig ser elegit pels valencians, militants i simpatizants, candidat socialista a la Presidència de la Generalitat, en primàries obertes. Em vaig presentar a les eleccions  autonòmiques encapçalant la llista del PSPV-PSOE per la província de Castelló, circunscripció per la qual he estat elegit diputat.
En 2015 vaig ser elegit President de la Generalitat.
Fuente: www.gva.es

Nuria Oliver

Doctora en Inteligencia Artificial por MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Nuria Oliver, is Director of Research in Data Science at Vodafone, Chief Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance and Chief Scientific Advisor at the Vodafone Institute.  She has over 20 years of research experience in the areas of human behavior modeling and prediction from data and human-computer interaction. She holds a PhD in perceptual intelligence from MIT. She worked as a researcher at Microsoft Research for over 7 years and as the first female Scientific Director at Telefonica R&D for over 8 years. At the end of 2016 she was named Chief Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance and in early 2017 she also joined Vodafone as the first Director of Research in Data Science. In addition, she is Chief Scientific Advisor to the Vodafone Institute.

Her work is well known with over 150 scientific publications that have received more than 14000 citations and a ten best paper award nominations and awards. She is co-inventor of 40 filed patents and she is a regular keynote speaker at international conferences.

She is an advisor to the ETIC at the UPF, LASIGE at the University of Lisbon, the eHealth Center at the UOC and the department of Informatics at King’s College London. She has been a member of a high level advisory board to the Spanish Secretary of State of Research and Innovation. She is a member of the strategy advisory committee to the Valencian Innovation Agency and a member/ spokesperson of the high level advisory committee to the Spanish Government on AI and Big Data. She is in the advisory board of Mahindra Comviva.

Nuria’s work and professional trajectory has received several awards, including the MIT TR100 (today TR35) Young Innovator Award (2004), the Rising Talent award by the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society (2009), the European Digital Woman of the Year award (2016) and the Spanish National Computer Science Angela Robles Award (2016). She has been named one of the top 11 Artificial Intelligence influencers worldwide by Pioneering Minds (2017), one of Spanish wonderful minds in technology by EL PAIS newspaper (2017), “an outstanding female director in technology” (El PAIS, 2012), one of “100 leaders for the future” (Capital, 2009) and one of the “40 youngsters who will mark the next millennium” (El PAIS, 1999).

She became a Fellow of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence in 2016 and an IEEE Fellow and an ACM Fellow in 2017. She is an elect academic to the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering (2018).

She will receive an Honorary PhD from the University Miguel Hernandez in September of 2018.

Her passion is to improve people’s quality of life, both individually and collectively, through technology. She is also passionate about scientific outreach. Hence, she regularly collaborates with the media (press, radio, TV) and gives non-technical talks about science and technology to broad audiences, and particularly to teenagers, with a special interest on girls.

Fuente: www.nuriaoliver.com


Nuria Oliver

Doctora en Inteligencia Artificial por MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Mostrar Biografía

Nuria Oliver, is Director of Research in Data Science at Vodafone, Chief Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance and Chief Scientific Advisor at the Vodafone Institute.  She has over 20 years of research experience in the areas of human behavior modeling and prediction from data and human-computer interaction. She holds a PhD in perceptual intelligence from MIT. She worked as a researcher at Microsoft Research for over 7 years and as the first female Scientific Director at Telefonica R&D for over 8 years. At the end of 2016 she was named Chief Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance and in early 2017 she also joined Vodafone as the first Director of Research in Data Science. In addition, she is Chief Scientific Advisor to the Vodafone Institute.

Her work is well known with over 150 scientific publications that have received more than 14000 citations and a ten best paper award nominations and awards. She is co-inventor of 40 filed patents and she is a regular keynote speaker at international conferences.

She is an advisor to the ETIC at the UPF, LASIGE at the University of Lisbon, the eHealth Center at the UOC and the department of Informatics at King’s College London. She has been a member of a high level advisory board to the Spanish Secretary of State of Research and Innovation. She is a member of the strategy advisory committee to the Valencian Innovation Agency and a member/ spokesperson of the high level advisory committee to the Spanish Government on AI and Big Data. She is in the advisory board of Mahindra Comviva.

Nuria’s work and professional trajectory has received several awards, including the MIT TR100 (today TR35) Young Innovator Award (2004), the Rising Talent award by the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society (2009), the European Digital Woman of the Year award (2016) and the Spanish National Computer Science Angela Robles Award (2016). She has been named one of the top 11 Artificial Intelligence influencers worldwide by Pioneering Minds (2017), one of Spanish wonderful minds in technology by EL PAIS newspaper (2017), “an outstanding female director in technology” (El PAIS, 2012), one of “100 leaders for the future” (Capital, 2009) and one of the “40 youngsters who will mark the next millennium” (El PAIS, 1999).

She became a Fellow of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence in 2016 and an IEEE Fellow and an ACM Fellow in 2017. She is an elect academic to the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering (2018).

She will receive an Honorary PhD from the University Miguel Hernandez in September of 2018.

Her passion is to improve people’s quality of life, both individually and collectively, through technology. She is also passionate about scientific outreach. Hence, she regularly collaborates with the media (press, radio, TV) and gives non-technical talks about science and technology to broad audiences, and particularly to teenagers, with a special interest on girls.

Fuente: www.nuriaoliver.com