Margrethe Vestager

Margrethe Vestager


Bruselas, Steigenberger Icon Wiltcher's Hotel (71, Av. Louise) 9:00 horas
27-06-2024 09:00

Desayuno informativo del Fórum Europa Bruselas, organizado por Nueva Economía Fórum, bajo el mecenazgo de Airbus, IAG, Indra, Solaria y Telefónica. Plazas Limitadas.

El evento será transmitido telemáticamente a través del canal de YouTube de Nueva Economía Fórum.

Margrethe Vestager

Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva de la Comisión Europea para una Europa Adaptada a la Era Digital y Comisaria Europea de Competencia
Mostrar Biografía

Executive Vice-President for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age and Competition, European Commission 2019-present

European commissioner for Competition 2014-2019 

Minister for Economic Affairs and the Interior 2011-2014 

Political leader of the Social Liberal Party 2011-2014 

Member of Parliament (Frederiksborg County constituency, then North Zealand greater constituency) 2001-2014

 Political leader of the Social Liberal Party and Chairwoman of the parliamentary group 2007-2011 

Minister for Education 2000-2001 

Minister for Education and Minister for Ecclesiastical Affairs 1998-2000 

Head of secretariat with the Agency for Financial Management and Administrative Affairs 1997-1998 

Special consultant with the Agency for Financial Management and Administrative Affairs 1995-1997

Head of section at the Ministry of Finance 1993-1995 

Master of Science in Economics, University of Copenhagen 1993

